How to find a Line which Maximum Number of Words in it

For any given file, Write a Java program to find a line with maximum number of words in it is a very common interview question. In other words, write a Java program to find longest line from file.

In this tutorial we will go over all detailed steps to programatically figure out longest line.

Here is complete logic:

  1. Read provided file using Java8 Stream.forEach() loop.
  2. Each line will be pass to analyseLines() method in which we will find total word count and update two variable if it’s longest line by comparing previously added value
    1. lineCount represents a line with maximum word count
    2. crunchifyMaxWords holds a value of total words
  3. In below Java program we will read file FindLongestLineFromFile.txt located under Documents folder. Please update file and location as per your system setup.
  4. print() and println() are the simple print Utilities.
  5. Once reading complete file – we are printing result.

If you are interested in more file reading, working with lines and total number words then try to explore below articles:

How do I split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters?


import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author 
 * Program: From provided file, find a line which has maximum number of words in it 
 * Version: 1.0.3

public class CrunchifyFindLineWithMaxWordCount {

        private int crunchifyMaxWords = 0;
        private List<String> lineCount = new ArrayList<String>();

        public int getCurrentMaxCount() {
                return crunchifyMaxWords;

        public void setCurrentMaxCount(int crunchifyMaxWords) {
                this.crunchifyMaxWords = crunchifyMaxWords;

        public List<String> getLines() {
                return lineCount;

        public void setLines(List<String> lineCount) {
                this.lineCount = lineCount;

        public static void main(String a[]) {

                CrunchifyFindLineWithMaxWordCount object = new CrunchifyFindLineWithMaxWordCount();


                print("\n\nHere is a line with Maximum Word Count in it ====> ");

                List<String> lineCount = object.getLines();
                for (String crunchifyLine : lineCount) {

                println("Above line contains " + object.getCurrentMaxCount() + " words.");

        public void readMaxLineCount(String crunchifyFile) {

                Stream<String> crunchifyStream = null;
                try {

                        // Read all lines from a file as a Stream. Bytes from the file are decoded into characters using the UTF-8 charset
                        crunchifyStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(crunchifyFile));

                } catch (IOException exception) {

                print("============= Printing file FindLongestLineFromFile.txt =============\n");
                crunchifyStream.forEach(line -> analyseLines(line));

        private void analyseLines(String crunchifyLine) {

                // Split a string with any whitespace chars
                int crunchifyCount = (crunchifyLine.split("\\s+")).length;

                if (crunchifyCount > crunchifyMaxWords) {

                        crunchifyMaxWords = crunchifyCount;

                } else if (crunchifyCount == crunchifyMaxWords) {
        private static void println(String crunchifyLine) {

        private static void print(String string) {



Eclipse Console Result:

============= Printing file FindLongestLineFromFile.txt =============
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Here is a line with Maximum Word Count in it ====> Step To Setup Apache Tomcat In Eclipse & Build RESTful Service Using JAX-RS & Jersey
Above line contains 15 words.

I hope you find this tutorial useful and interesting. Let me know if you have any more questions.

The post In Java How to find a Line with Maximum Number of Words? Using Stream.forEach() Iterator appeared first on Crunchify.