Recently we came across Crocoblock. It’s one of the best no-code WordPress builder out there in market as of today.
There are so many ways now a days you could create your simple Website. Here are few of WordPress frameworks. Genesis, Divi and so on.
Crocoblock is somewhat different in terms of builder, widget, plugins functionality. If you are using Elementor theme then it’s a bonus. All of the JetPlugins are easily usable with your Elementor theme.
Let’s take a look list of all Crocoblock Plugins
JetEngine is the most popular plugin. It used for Dynamic Content for Elementor and Gutenberg.
JetSmart plugin filters is an advanced filters for any post type.
Jettabs plugin is best to display content compactly.
Want to create a site for booking or appointments? If yes, then plugin is for you.
List of a Templates
Do you want to create a Dynamic Real Estate Listing Website? Want to create Car dealer website? Want to start a shop and need a site?
Well, then Crocoblock is a good fit for you. Here are list of all different types of Solutions you could create.
Create list of all Booking Solutions
- Grand hotel Booking
- Mini-hotel Booking
- Travel Agency Booking
- Car Rental Booking
Create Marketplace Site
- Real Estate Marketplace
- Car Dealer Marketplace for Elementor
- Car Dealer Marketplace for Gutenberg
- Vacation Rental Directory
Create Appointments Site
- Spa Appointment
- Medical Appointment
- Barbershop Appointment
Create E-Commerce Shop
- Bookstore Website
- E-Commerce Shop
How to get started?
- Go to
- Select your pricing.
- It provides 4 different options
Once you sign-up, you will receive nice email.
Once you login, you will see list of all plugins under Downloads section. Just click on Download button.
Once downloaded, simply activate a plugin and you will be all set.
Let’s take a look at few templates:
Real Estate Template and Spa Massage Appointment Template.
Crocoblock comes with two default themes. Kava and Kava Child.
Kava comes with setof grid layouts, page layouts, Masonry layouts, Creative Layouts and so on.
It also comes with very flexible single post page layouts, high performance number, WooCommerce ready, Responsive, Developer friendly and more.
It is the best Elementor add-on by far. You could use it on unlimited client projects. With lots of plugins, themes and ready to use templates it’s a good bundle. From pricing point of view it’s little costly per yer but worth giving it a try.
With you subscription, you gets constant product updates and support. You absolutely don’t need to code anything.
Let us know what you think about Crocoblock theme builder.
The post Crocoblock – Build WordPress sites with no-code appeared first on Crunchify.
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