In Java – What is the best way to combine / merge multiple JSONObjects? JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs and widely used in Java Enterprise applications for data transfer between client / server over REST interface.
You need below Maven Dependency for JSONObject.
<dependency> <groupId>org.json</groupId> <artifactId>json</artifactId> <version>20140107</version> </dependency>
Sometimes it will be great to have handy utility ready which combines two or multiple JSONObjects. Here is simple Java example which shows the same.
package; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * @author * Program: How to Merge/Concat Multiple JSONObjects in Java? Best way to Combine two JSONObjects. */ public class CrunhifyMergeJSONObjects { public static void main(String[] args) { // JSONObject(): Construct an empty JSONObject. JSONObject crunchifyJSON1 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject crunchifyJSON2 = new JSONObject(); // put(): Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject. // If the value is null, then the key will be removed from the JSONObject if it is present. crunchifyJSON1.put("Crunchify", "Java Company"); crunchifyJSON1.put("Google", "Search Company"); crunchifyJSON1.put("Yahoo", "Web Company"); crunchifyJSON2.put("Facebook", "Social Network Company"); crunchifyJSON2.put("Twitter", "Another Social Company"); crunchifyJSON2.put("Linkedin", "Professional Network Company"); System.out.println("json1: " + crunchifyJSON1); System.out.println("json2: " + crunchifyJSON2); JSONObject mergedJSON = mergeJSONObjects(crunchifyJSON1, crunchifyJSON2); System.out.println("\nmergedJSON: " + mergedJSON); } public static JSONObject mergeJSONObjects(JSONObject json1, JSONObject json2) { JSONObject mergedJSON = new JSONObject(); try { // getNames(): Get an array of field names from a JSONObject. mergedJSON = new JSONObject(json1, JSONObject.getNames(json1)); for (String crunchifyKey : JSONObject.getNames(json2)) { // get(): Get the value object associated with a key. mergedJSON.put(crunchifyKey, json2.get(crunchifyKey)); } } catch (JSONException e) { // RunttimeException: Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message. // The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a call to initCause. throw new RuntimeException("JSON Exception" + e); } return mergedJSON; } }
Eclipse Console:
Just run above program as a Java Application and you will see result as below.
json1: { "Crunchify": "Java Company", "Yahoo": "Web Company", "Google": "Search Company" } json2: { "Linkedin": "Professional Network Company", "Facebook": "Social Network Company", "Twitter": "Another Social Company" } mergedJSON: { "Crunchify": "Java Company", "Linkedin": "Professional Network Company", "Yahoo": "Web Company", "Facebook": "Social Network Company", "Google": "Search Company", "Twitter": "Another Social Company" }
Next I’ll write example on ObjectMapper which PrettyPrint JSON object in Eclipse Console.
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